Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Blog Posts...

Reasonable to make it three hahaha. Well, just in case you missed it... xD

The difference between a structured life vs. a flexible one - Compare between my life at my former second home compared to my life at my new second home.

AA Klenk's #1 On the List: Thoughts...

These are valid reasons why AA Klenk is often criticized THAN being praised as FHM's Number One Sexiest. Just so you know, there are a lot of highlighted details about her... what now if Perez Hilton criticized her now? But that's not part of the story, anyway.

Bokeh Shots

New photography sessions! Just browse the shit and remember, I've done it!

If you have the time to read my blog... well yeah. Search it right here.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Hohoho! Since this is not really my official blog, well, I'll just greet you here just in case... you missed it. ;D

Enjoy reading these:

Oh, and to those who haven't read the drama yet, here it is!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Blog Entries for the Holiday Season

Copy-paste the links hehehe I'm too lazy to upload everything sorry.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just in case you missed it...

Here are some of my blog posts in WordPress (main blog) that you should read.

Anti-Chinese Sentiment Number 1
Anti-Chinese Sentiment Number 2
At least you did your best, and you're not desperate

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

No updates for now...

... in the main blog that is.

Hope that the problem should be fixed. :(

Confessions of a blogger: Blogspot version, that is

Of course, this would be my most challenging post ever.

I used to have many blogs here in, however, they do not make sense at all. Just look at my other posts, they just hurt feelings of other people. Y'know what I mean?

Well, that would be for now. I just recall these websites like, yeah right. I don't want to reveal these things.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Main Blog Hiatus

Alright. The author of the blog is already having a hiatus due to the viral spreading of her blog entry which she never intended to make it "popular." Like what she said, she thought it was a warning to everyone, however, there are some stubborn netizens who are doing crab mentality once a person does a single mistake.

I hope you guys will understand. Please don't be dubious about this situation. Thank you.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Two comments... based on the "hoax"

My answers are:

To comment #1: I never intended to do Search Engine Optimizing. I thought this would serve as a warning because these pornographic pictures are spreading all over Facebook. I may have mentioned Mark Zuckerberg, but that's not my problem anymore. If I did have an intention to create manipulative stories/hoaxes, I might as well have been Internet-famous.

To comment #2: That wasn't a strategy. That was a warning. I was amazed how the number of pageviews increased dramatically from a mere 217 to a whooping 2000+ pageviews. Hindi ko sinadyang gumawa ng strategy. I thought this "warning" would benefit everyone but I didn't know that people would make this famous. So, yeah. At least it surpassed another intriguing article about a Tumblr-famous person.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The blog posts with the most views are...

1.) Another Facebook warning regarding pornography
2.) Who was... Felice Fawn?
3.) The video against the Cojuanco-Aquino clan was actually a propaganda
4.) Germany for Beginners in UST! :D
5.) Who was Felice Fawn? The Saga continues...


Tricia Gosingtian: Every Teenage Girls' Inspiration
Anything at Random IX

Okay... so I was thinking of exhibiting the blog posts with the most views.

Here is a post that outnumbered the number of views about my article about Felice Fawn


I really have to be thankful that this idea really, really worked. It had 217 views and it's really an honor that the more important blog post is highly regarded as something to be shared, compared to an article that sound intriguing. This is like people paying more final respects to someone who were killed in a massacre compared to the death of a celebrity.

Thank you to the 217 views!

Update: Thanks Gkie and shipcodeship for the concern. :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some Felice fan's really going mad...

Without reading the whole article, actually.

What a blind fan.

Fucking hell why don’t you sad scums get a life? Her real name is now Felice Fawn, it’s on her birthcertificate, because you know, people can actually CHANGE their names if they want to? All the stuff you try to prove against her are just pulled out your own arses. For the art thing, she obviously has talent and she knows how to draw and edit. There’s such a thing called reference, which people use to for example get a body position or whatever correct. She’s drawn live on many occasions. The one thing all of this meaningless hate is build on is jealousy. Because if your lives were so great you wouldn’t spend this much of your time, writing essays about someone you’ve never met on the internet.

LAWL, you really think that my article's destroying someone's reputation. I was just telling the truth, that efagz is not exaggerating at all. Those are REAL screencaps and it's always first-hand.

Yes, that Asa person is really a blind fan.

The screenshot I took from The Photography Institute (an online school for photography) has this photo of Felice which is identical to her other photograph.


Please click here to see the other photo. It's really identical.

It's true. Felice Fawn and Lauren Cook are just one person. Got it? Good.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Alodia Gosiengfiao over Felice Fawn

So yeah, I was really addicted with and yeah, I made it a motherf*cking toy. Just saying.

So, regarding my post about Felice vs. Alodia, I personally think that Alodia deserved more respect than Felice Fawn, not because she's popular, but because she is more behaved than Felice, and of course, she is more artistic, creative and imaginative compared to Felice Fawn.

Just read the linked post and feel free to post comments that show RESPECT. Rude comments will be marked as spam. (:

Monday, November 14, 2011

Felice Fawn's moving to WordPress

...and I think it's a big threat.

She might lambast me for posting diabolical things against her. So, yeah.

Many people are thinking that she might leave her followers.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Talking About Religion

For posts relating with religion, CLICK HERE!

Religion is something that a person believes. Religions with no deity are called, "religious philosophies" while religion with a deity is called theistic religion. Monotheistic religions are religions that believe that there is only one god that created the world, while polytheistic religions are religions with many gods.

So, why do religions argue with each other? Religions conflict with one another because of different beliefs, faith and so on. Do you think it's "bad" to believe in many gods? I really can't understand why most people are debating on religion. I recall when I was writing a descriptive essay about religion (it seems to be more challenging than you think since I have loads of information stored in mind). Abrahamic religions are usually Judaism and Christianity, Hindu religions are Buddhism (although it is an atheist religion) while Islam came from Zoroastrianism (or probably Judaism).

If most people find Islam to be a hostile religion, then why is this so? Is it because their religion is extreme-right? It may be so is because this religion is sexist. Not to offend some of my friends (or people who are acquainted with me) who are Muslim, but what do you think of this? Although I look up to polygamy as alright (for as long as the guy can afford), however, almost every part of a woman's body is/are private in their faith. For regular people, the private parts are only those genitals and a woman's breasts. It's alright to cover the hair, but covering almost entirely of your face means that you are hiding.

I know a Muslim woman who doesn't follow her faith at all, because she found it too choking. I do not find it degrading after all because I believe in gender equality. It would be more ideal for her to convert to Christian faith, but it's better not to be converted. I may be Catholic but I am not really a devotee. What is important is doing good to everyone and doing what is acceptable.

Learning from my own is really the best challenge. Challenging, but I want to learn more about breaking the rules. I may be a law-abiding citizen, but it doesn't mean that I religiously follow all the rules. Sometimes, I hide something when I really don't want it to be exposed, so that's why I started to criticize my former second home.

It's alright if you say bad words, for as long as you don't intend to do it (or simply because you want to express yourself, cuss words or not), but there's a limitation to that. Cussing in public is really degrading, and it doesn't make you a respectable person at all. However, calling someone "bitch" or "whore" as an endearment may be culture-shocking, but let's just face it. It's only for your peers/circle of buddies.

So, everyone's really intrigued about Lauren Cook

...and it's not new to me.

The Lauren that we know is similar to Felice that we know today. Still British, has Rich as BF? Same face, bloated here, deflated one night.

Everyone's truly blinded about the fact that Felice is Lauren Cook. Encyclopedia Dramatica is really, something not worth to be trusted, BUT in some cases, they sometimes expose the truth.

I was defending Felice from those haters, but because of the screenshots that seemed so legit, and most evidences are identical to how the Lauren way back then "provides" them, it made me doubt if I still have to give respect to the one and only gothic atheist.

Of course, that respect that she deserves is no more.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Anything at Random posts

Just in case you missed an Anything at Random post (Category: Extremes and Randoms), There is always a link that will lead you to those posts, so don't worry. (:

The bad news is, err... I couldn't think of one right now, but the good news is that, my only post about Felice Fawn is the only post with the most views.

Just in case you missed one blog post... here...

AA Klenk has finally cleaned up her act
Free Elective: What were the titles before?
Thank you for the 41 notes!

Anyways, that's all for now.

Friday, November 11, 2011

To those who are going to comment about my thoughts...

Thank you for commenting back, and yes, I reply to your comments.

However, there are some things that you should be careful about:

1.) It is my blog and whoever contradicts what I'm saying, alright, you can still argue with me, but take note, I do not accept comments which are not encouraging.

2.) Of course, I also accept comments, even though it is spammed.

3.) I do not accept comments like, "Fuck you, bitch!" It is an act of disrespect towards the author.

Stay tuned for my next entry: Arguing with the beliefs of other people. This may be sensitive, but please be open-minded about these things. One idea contradicts another, and everything is between the relationship between oil and water.

And don't you know that this is also a spoiler blog? (: It will give you some updates about my thoughts, thoughts and so on. If I didn't comply with these things, please remind me. (:

Thank goodness!

I set the language into English and my time zone is set to Philippine time.

Sorry guys if I do not post something in Filipino. However, if you're Filipino, I'll write something in Filipino only for Filipino since there are Filipino jokes that are not funny once translated into English, but somehow... tell me if you have any idea. (:

I do not live to please everyone, but I received a genuine comment, finally

Read this article... and scroll down for comments.

Someone questioned my statement about being a digital artist/photographer and Mac computers.

Excuse me, but I'm targeting one person. I do not like to please everyone, but if I have offended someone, I would apologize sincerely because that person (or a group of people) is/are not the usual target. I am targeting to someone who hates something which is almost impossible to hate.

I used to admire Felice Fawn for being an "advice guru" despite her "gothic" style, but when I found out that Felice Lilith Fawn wasn't really her real name, it put me to doubt. "Why would she insist that it's her real name?"

A Tumblr user whose username is dog-water explained that Felice is fake nice/smart, Tumblr trendy and idealized. Everyone is really doubting if her frail figure is really nature's kiss. (Did anyone liked her when she was still fat? --dog-water) Truth is, she was anorexic but she claimed to "hate" thinspo blogs. I have nothing against Felice Fawn, but the truth will always remain the truth, even other websites (joke or hate blog) will prove it right.

Hiding your true identity or detaching yourself from your past by doing this isn't right. I never ever resorted to things like, being hated because I wrote an article, but rather, people comment things in a finesse way when they point out to something.

Admit it guys, she was anorexic, she was a pro-ana. If her real body type is skinny, then she should've been really more active-looking despite her skinny frame.

The person who commented on my blog post thought that my audience was everyone in some part where I imagined ranting towards her.

LMFAO! You ain’t considered a true digital artist if you do not appreciate Mac computers. Well, I’m telling you this: You simply cannot afford Mac computers. You really cannot call yourself a real photographer (as in REAL) if you haven’t tried a Mac computer, or simply refuse to use one. Hating Mac computers is extremely laughable but once everyone brings a Mac computer, you’ll see how everyone will laugh at you, for HATING Mac computers. Macs NEVER had any viruses although it slows down for some reason, but Macs are more durable and MORE (100% moar!) reliable than PCs. Trust me. You really can’t hate Macs for no reason, at all. Oh, BTW, even those who are photographers and artists will really laugh their asses off as if you’re D’Anothers.

This line (and the rest of what I pointed and mentioned) is for her and not for everyone else. If you think this refers to you, once again, it doesn't refer to you. It refers to the target, and I assume you are not the one whom I target.

Reminder: I do not accept rude comments stating that "you don't know her" or "you're just jealous." If you're a fan of FF, then it's better to GTFO of this blog.

Don't hesitate to chat with me

Since I have a ShoutMix and a Meebo account, do not hesitate to chat with me. Of course, I'll answer your questions, but please make sure it has sense, so thank you. (:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Learn more about the life of the author

It is of course, in the main webpage she is handling right now.

You'll know how much I value blogging as form of self-expression. I do not want to post my personal life in that blog is because, I do not want everyone to guess the real author.

After several attempts to please a specific audience, I finally did it.

As much as I love blogging, I also take photographs as a hobby. I usually upload everything in my portfolio. I also have two Tumblr accounts, but I only use the one which contains my photographs. The other one, it's all for special business and raising social awareness.

I am still the slacker-next-door you know. However, I am doing my best NOT to be the loser. Remember, everyone's a winner.

Hello Everyone!

This is the blogspot site of Molybdenum Studios. However, this is only a blog reserved for those who want to send messages to me. I was forced to use Google Chrome is because this can't work on a Safari. So, yeah.

Anyways, you'll get decent updates here (because between you and me, I can't find a decent layout for this blog) about things in life, but my main blog will still be HERE.