Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Announcement: molybdenumstudios.wordpress.com is finally a rant-free blog, for the year 2012

Alright, if this is good news or bad news to you, these are the new blog posts:

A Photoshop-Free Click! - This is one of my blog posts that shows the pictures that are UN-edited for so long, and remained virgin. Other photos are edited and enhanced, to have an effect on it.

Israel, The Holocaust in DLSU Manila - This blog post discusses the history of the Holocaust and of course, how it affects Israel and its relationship to the Philippines. Believe it or not, this is one of the most interesting blog posts you'll ever read!

Goodbye, Whitney Houston - Read this blog post. Actually, it isn't as in-depth compared to how I posted info about Steve Jobs.

Good news! This is the first time I posted photos about the items that I purchased, and also, there is one blog post which for the very first time, talks about fashion and shopping, if I'm correct. HAHA.

U-Week in DLSU: Day One - This blog post talks about fashion. For the fashion bloggers out there, this one's for you!

U-Week in DLSU: Day Two - A boring day just because of that LEAP thing.

The Announcement Itself

So, I created a blog about Anything in Random for the rants, commentaries, etc., for the convenience that my blog WON'T have a very bad reputation. For the good of all, this would benefit those who want to enjoy my blog more than ever.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Just in case you missed the blog posts!

Alright, so these are my new blog posts; but some of them are waaaaay too old, but please bear with it.

Blog Post 1
Blog Post 2
Blog Post 3
Blog Post 4
Blog Post 5

Here are my most meaningful blog posts...

Lasallian Recollection 2: A Learning Experience - Alright, the theme is actually talent and capability. It's like how you use your talents to help the world become a better place, and I introduced two artists/photographers who will bring out the best in them that shaped the world.

Tagaytay Trip on a Sunday - This is the first time I did not place watermarks in some of my photos... well, I'm not really using my deviantArt but yeah, I'm still uploading there.

Take Note: I use WordPress

And this Blogspot is an updates blog. The aim of this blog is to let blogspot users follow this and be updated (sorry if I posted links and not click there thingies...).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Updates, once more!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Alright, sorry if I just let this blog rot... but...

Here are my blog entries never been posted here and some latest blog posts...


So, I'm doing this from first to the last post... and I'm sure you'll love some of the blog posts that are heartbreaking and of course... very happy moments.

Just copy-paste everything and you'll just have to read it. I feel so lazy linking things (:

For your convenience, I decided to post ALL tags.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Snobbish women are smarter and more talented

A very lovely excerpt from "Why is Life so Unfair?"

I would always say, "Ay, masipag lang 'yan sila," when most suplada women are achievers more than nice women. They are more admired than those who are really respected not for their looks, but for their ethical actions. I really don't know why most actresses who are controversial and suplada, maldita are talented, and improve more in acting than those who are really nice in real life (take note that most nice actors/actresses are better villains). Is it because they look up to Wendy Valdez (she has cleaned up her act now), who was suplada yet talented? I'm sure I have to call this as "Wendy's Effect" due to the fact that people who are less approachable act more professional.

I want to ask God why this happens. Why do most suplada women are not only smart and talented, but also chosen by demurely-nice and sweet men? There are many other women out there, why them? Why is life so unfair, that most suplada women are given more chances and opportunities? Is this because the more the suplada, the more the respectable? I strongly disagree with this fact, because truth is, most suplada women get away with everything. While those feisty women who are actually behaved in real life are criticized, why can't people do the same to those with attitude problem? Hmm, I wonder why people do that, but if you think those with attitude problem are "frank and feisty," you're wrong. You know who I am pertaining to, but yeah.

I noticed that the more the suplada, the smarter and more talented. Ask the former know-it-alls. They don't want to hear those things, but this "tomboy genius" that I'm always lambasting my whole entire life, was forgiven by me myself. I understand why: She's a know-it-all, and usually, intelligent women are know-it-alls. I know she has changed. It wasn't the real her before, but y'know, I understood that. Ang babaw naman kung murahin ko pa siya ng murahin na parang wala lang.

I was wondering. Most suplada women are really given more chances, but inner beauty? Well, people are intimidated by them because they don't seem approachable at all. Truth is, the reason why they're smarter and more talented is because, arrogance is the only way that will make them feel more superior. They think humility is a sign of weakness. Wait, was Kate Winslet arrogant? I never heard anything bad from her, although she's a really good actress. Take Claire Danes as the suplada but talented actress. She's one example of an actress who shows the "Wendy Effect" and also, she proves that right, but well, that was before.

One example of a nice celebrity whose talent is rarely heard is no other than Nicole Richie. She plays the violin and she sings, but why is her talent not noticed, aside from being a socialite? She's a socialite, but why is her BFF Paris Hilton's album more recognized?

The "Wendy Effect" proves that right. Arrogance will make you feel superior. Nicole Richie is down-to-earth, so it's no doubt that her talent is not recognized. If you so happen to be ambitious, arrogance should always be there. Wait...

Anne Curtis is one example of an ambitious but down-to-earth actress. No wonder why she improved late. You'll never ever hear some gossips that she's mean or at least, a warfreak. She's really an ethical woman with class.

Just in case... you missed it ;D
